Wednesday, 27 August 2008

ABC 123 Baby You And Me Girl - Part 2

Wedding Recap A - D can be found here.

Expectations: I'm someone who tries to please everybody. This results in much head-meltage for me. If I could offer one piece of advice to anyone planning their wedding, it would be "choose your battles wisely." For there will be battles. Everyone has an opinion about what your wedding should entail. Everyone feels justified in voicing their opinion. It doesn't matter if they are contributing financially or not, everyone would feel like their wishes should be respected. I had a really hard time accepting the fact that our wedding wasn't just about us. It was also about our family. There were some things worth fighting over (not having heart-shaped whisks as
our wedding favour) and some things that weren't (not having any flowers.) I'm glad that we stood our ground on the things that felt most important to use, but I'm also glad that we were able to compromise on some issues and make others happy. In the end, no one resent our decisions (at least, I hope not) and we still had the wedding we wanted to have.

Sheesh, look at me all preachy preachy. Moving on to a more humorous topic:

Expressions, facial: (yes, another 'e' - but at least I didn't put this under 'x' and make it 'xpressions' ... you would have permission to kick me in the shin if I did that.) We are goofy people. I'm so glad that Angella was able to capture it in the photos she took. I'm also glad that
others were able to catch us looking a bit silly during the reception because these are the photos that we love the most. Yes, it's nice to have lovely wedding photos. It's also great to have the silly ones; they feel more genuine.

Flowers: Right, so I will be the first to admit that I may have gone a little crazy. I was really annoyed at my aunt for the dahlias vs mums debate. Everyone told me that it didn't matter and I wouldn't even care on the actual day but honestly, I didn't really believe them. But guess what? I didn't get the flowers I wanted and I didn't give a shit. The bouquets looked fine. They were nothing like what I ordered and I didn't care. This concept blows my mind. I knew that there was a good possibility that I wouldn't get the flowers I wanted but I thought it would bother me a lot more than it did. In the end, the flowers looked great, my aunt felt included and we spent a ridiculously small amount on our wedding flowers (cost was my only argument against having flowers.)

Garter Toss: Didn't do it. Didn't toss a bouquet either. Maybe I'm a prude, but I always find the garter thing really awkward to watch. We'd scrapped so any other traditional wedding things that no-one even noticed that we didn't do the various tosses. Or if they did notice they didn't say anything.

Hair: I have wanted to chop my hair off for so long but I kept it long for the wedding. I wanted to be able to put it up with no fussy bits hanging in my face. It looks really simple and plain but there was actually about 100 bobby pins and a bottle of hairspray in it. It was not fun to undo but it didn't move at all for the entire day so I'm not complaining.

Honeymoon: Ireland. On hold until next spring because of our work schedules.

to be continued ...


  1. Thoughtful pose! Thoughtful pose!

    *claps hands wildly*

  2. You kept a great perspective on this wedding and it sounds like it turned into something really memorable. BTW, I'll have you know this series of posts is becoming my little bible for my upcoming nuptials. It'll serve as a reminder to be calm and have fun. Can't wait to see what else you have in store for us!

  3. Yay! Love the Expressions!

  4. The bridal party pondering life photo is awesome

  5. i'm going to die inside if i one day get married and they won't let us do goofy photos in amongst the staged shots. THOSE ARE THE GOOD ONES, darn it :-)

    i'm so glad the flowers worked out! and by that i mean: i'm so glad you're happy with how the flowers worked out! ;-)

  6. Yeah, so ... what ever happened with the hair? Incidentally, I asked my girlfriend and she looked at the hair post and I think she said you should get layers and that she loves the natural curl of your hair. This would be because she has naturally straight hair and if there is one thing I know about women it's that when it comes to hair, they'll want the kind they don't have.

  7. Those pictures are adorable!!!

    and the bridesmaids dresses are so cute. Your wedding looks like it was quite fabulous.

  8. You guys were so much fun to hang out with for the day. I'm glad the thoughtful pose photo is a hit ;)

  9. Ireland honeymoon? Amazing.

    I like how you have the silly pictures. Sure, the serious ones are great to look at, but the silly ones capture your personality. I'd want that as well.

    The flowers WERE pretty, regardless of the problems with them!

    Also, I wouldn't want the garter toss either. Too awkward.

    Man, i'm coming to you when I get engaged, that's for sure.

  10. i love all the pictures, you guys are so dang cute.
