Saturday, 1 March 2008

I'd Just Like To Try Some Carrot Cake And Wine

Friday was my dad's birthday so we had everyone over for dinner. I made carrot pie for dessert. It really is made from carrots, I promise. I can't describe it - it's sort of similar to pumpkin pie because it uses the same spices, but it's also very different. It's lighter than pumpkin pie and almost ... fresher (for lack of a better word.) The topping is a pecan-crunch that I could probably eat just on its own.

I've never been a fan of quiche but I made one for the vegetarians. It turns out that I love veggie quiche. Probably because I used a shameful amount of cheese (a shameful amount of 2 types of cheese) so it wasn't so much a veggie quiche as it was a cheese pie. Cheese is my crack so I shouldn't be surprised that I liked the quiche.

Other than the family dinner my weekend has been tame. I'm still sick and I'm woefully behind in my soul sucking english course. I spent the day writing a paper and feeling very bitter about it. It's finished now though and I am officially halfway through the course. Which means that tomorrow I get to be a slacker. My plans so far are to sleep in and then watch the Canucks game. Hopefully Stella agrees with the sleeping in part of my plan.

Update: It's 7:30 Sunday morning and Stella has spent the last 20 minutes whining (even though I managed to stumble outside with her at 7 for her morning pee, she's had food and water and she's got toys to keep her satisfied.) She just wants to play. And so here I am, on my sleep-in-morning, up before 8am. I do not love it.


  1. My dog will be 3 this may. When she was little, she made me get up at 6 am EVERY DAY to let her outside. Sometimes she'd do it at 3 am just to be a bugger.

    When she was about a year and a half, she came to me and whined to go outside at 3 am. I told her "GO TO BED", and she did. And she has ever since.

    Nowadays, I have to force her to go outside before I go to work.

    Point being, hang in there. Puppies grow up and get just like people.

  2. Your puppy is so cute! What kind of dog is she? Maybe she will take a nap with you later.

  3. Carrot Pie, eh? That could be kinda interesting....Where'd you find the recipe?

  4. That carrot pie looks divine. So much better than celery pie :) Will you share your recipe? (and the one for the Cheesy Crack Quiche?)

    The kitchens at my workplace developed a Honeycomb Carrot pie and it was amazing. Yours looks even better.
