It seems I've taken an unintentional blogging break and I have to say, I've enjoyed it. It's been a week now, of very minimal computer contact, and I'm getting a bit antsy. So here I am, trying to write a Christmas recap. Instead of writing about my family drama (this year's controversial topics: sesame seeds and adoption. Seriously) or Shawn's family drama (his dad was in town for Christmas Day which resulted in a bizarre competition between him and Shawn's mom for face time with the boys) I will instead leave you with Christmas-themed photos of my adorable pups. That way this recap will be more cuteness and less tears. I will say, though, that the performances by both my family and Shawn's family have further cemented my resolve to spend next Christmas abroad. Turtle, I so know you're with me on this one.
So. The cuteness:
Wolfgang in my mom's reindeer planter
Bow gave my mom a giant teacup / planter for Christmas. How could we not put Wolfgang in it?
Stella with her Christmas present from Shawn's mom
A few things to note for the following sequence:
- the santa hat was attached to Wolfgang by an elastic around his head.
- Stella didn't want to wear the santa hat, she wanted to eat the santa hat.
- as evil as Stella looks, she really does love Wolfgang. I think.