Monday 9 June 2008

Sneak Up On You Like Saki

A few nights ago I'm sitting on the couch, eating chips (don't judge me - I was really tired and too lazy to make dinner so I had chips for dinner), and Stella is lounging along the top of the couch, like a cat. She hangs out there often (I think she likes it because it makes her feel taller.) So I'm zoning out in front of the tv and I notice Stella start to belly-crawl her way over to me. She crawls all the way up to me and rests her head on my shoulder. When Stella is in trouble, or she wants a treat or a cuddle (basically whenever she is trying to manipulate us) she gives us The Eyes.

The Eyes. You try to say no to this face! It can't be done.

So I'm sitting on the couch, Stella's head is resting on my shoulder and she's looking up at me with the eyes. My heart melts at the cuteness as I decide I've got the most darling little puppy, who obviously missed me enormously while I was on holiday.

And then, like a cobra striking, her head darts out and she steals the chip that's on its way to my mouth.

My puppy rocks.


  1. C does this when he wants me to make something chocolate :)

  2. Hahahahaha never let your guard down. I lost an entire bowl of ice cream due to an under-the-radar lick.

  3. HA! Those eyes will certainly get you anything you want. My dad used to call them 'cow eyes', I have no idea why.

    Smart little (sneaky) pup.

  4. She is so cute and smart! Better watch out or you'll lose more than chips! :)

  5. my cats aren't sneaky about stealing my food; they just nose in and take it like it belongs to them. also: since when do cats eat beef and broccoli??

  6. Oh, I've seen those eyes too many times. And that's only from my fiance! hahaha.

  7. My dog Buttercup lays like that on the couch and when she gets excited she steps on my head. My new puppy Edie gets mad because she can't get her chubby butt up there too!
