Wednesday, 4 June 2008

I'm So Tired My Mind Is On The Blink

I'm home. I'm tired. My brain is fried. Work is stupid busy. I have a bazillion photos to sort through. Every time I open Google Reader I want to cry and am becoming more and more tempted to hit the magic "mark all as read" button. One day I will write a coherent (and possibly interesting) post with accompanying photos. Today is not that day, my friends.


  1. Oh poop. But totally understandable. I'll keep checking back!

  2. wow. maybe it's something in the blog says pretty much exactly the same thing today.

  3. Welcome home. That button really does rock doesn't it? I may have to use it after I get back from vacation. Get some rest.

  4. My brain is fried too. I think I need a vacation, a real one. Not just going to visit family.

    Preferably a vacation that would possibly involve a tryst with a hot, foreign stranger. And copious amounts of wine and cheese.

  5. get some sleeeeep! do you have a restful weekend coming up, hopefully?

  6. put the Google Reader down and no one gets hurt! this is your last warning!!!

    = : - )
