Monday 10 August 2009

I'll Kill Him With Karate That I Learned In Japan

The heat has officially left Vancouver and today is a gloomy, rainy Monday. That - and the limited sleep I got this weekend - has left me in a Friday Faff kind of mood.

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Thank you for all your kind comments on my anniversary post. We had a great first anniversary. To kick things off, Shawn's Mom made us a fabulous barbecue dinner. On our actual anniversary, we had dinner at the Irish Pub where we got married and then went to the beach and ate cupcakes from the bakery where we got our wedding cupcakes. The next night, my mom and dad made us dinner. It was a bit odd - we were not expecting our families to participate in the anniversary celebrations - but very nice.

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Shawn wants to shave Wolfgang's mohawk. I hid the clippers. It's a battle of wills.

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I have decided not to part ways with my t-shirt collection. To celebrate, I wore this shirt to work on Friday:
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I spent three hours at a farmers' market with my mom yesterday. Three hours is far too long to spend at a farmers' market, especially when you keep finding treats that you have to have. I came home with: ten pounds of blueberries, a giant bag of bell peppers, organic dog treats, paw balm for Wolfgang's cracked paws, a huge loaf of organic seed bread, a bottle of dried garlic, locally grown beets, and an awesome birthday present for Turtle that I can't reveal because she reads this blog. I could have spent hundreds of dollars. I am officially grounded from farmers' markets.

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So. The reason I didn't get much sleep this weekend. I started taking karate (is it bad that I can't help but say it "kara-tay" like Ross?) My first class was Saturday morning and I spent the rest of the weekend in agony. My muscles HATE ME right now. I woke up at 4am on Sunday, writhing in pain from ROLLING OVER. I have the opportunity to go three times a week but I think I'm going to start off with once a week. At least until I stop wanting to die after each class.


  1. I love that your families got involved in your anniversary. That's very sweet.

    I don't have the tolerance for 3 hours at a farmer's market.

    And whenever I hear/read about really hard workouts, I get so jealous my brain overheats a little. Dyyyyyyying for a kick-ass workout!

  2. I love a good math joke, especially in t-shirt form. Glad you had a lovely anniversary :)

  3. you know how i feel about the caps lock key, so i know you understand how urgent this must be for me to lower myself to using it:
    god. i even threw in an interobang. the agony of not knowing is destroying my grammar.

  4. Lisa: I don't have the tolerance for 3 hours at a farmers' market either. The only reason I stayed for so long was so my mother could agonize over Turtle's gift, which she FINALLY bought (you're welcome, Turtle!)

    Lindsay: me too!

    T: You have to wait until your birthday to find out. Sorry, lady! It's good, though. Really good.

  5. We make good use of the paw balm in the winter to protect against the salt that's all over the roads. Excellent stuff!

  6. That shirt rocks. Hilarious! Also, take two Alleve before going to sleep - it's like pain medicine crack and will let you sleep through the night and make you feel better.

    Also? My parents mentioned something about wanting to come to town to help us celebrate our anniversary. They were very clear about not coming on our anniversary, but coming that month for celebrations. I find it funny since I think Sweets and I will do something very low key to celebrate.

  7. Sweet haysoos, don't shave that hawk!!!!!!!

  8. Karate? I really did not see that coming! Being in pain from karate is way cooler than walking like the elderly because you spent two hours crouched weeding this weekend. Anyhow, you know I'm reading your last six posts from most recent and backwards... and if there is not a picture of this mohawk you speak of, we are through. Love, Mermanda
