Thursday 31 July 2008

I'd Trade My Family And My Friends For An Endless Happy Hour

Things that are making my head UNmelt: Thursday Edition

It's not raining this morning. Not only is is not raining, the clouds are starting to disperse and it looks like the sun might push through. The forecast is for sun this weekend - cross your fingers.

I managed to grocery shop last night which means that we can eat real meals now, instead of subsisting on leftover pizza and cereal. My fridge is now full of fresh fruits and vegetables. Considering my fruit and vegetable intake for the last few days has consisted of drinking cranberry juice, I'd say this is a very good thing.

The Stella situation is sorted. Yesterday I got an email from one of the puppy boarders that rejected us. They've got an opening this weekend so Stella is in. We had to go for an interview yesterday (I'm not even kidding. Doggie Daycare is Serious Business in Vancouver.) Stella passed with flying colours (and by that I mean that fine, she pooped in the middle of the floor but she'd didn't bite any heads off and that is what's important, yes?) This particular doggie day care usually only boards 3 puppies at a time (because they board the puppies in their home) but because of the demand (long weekend) they're camping out in the daycare facility all weekend with 12 puppies. Stella will be one of the largest (they only accept small dogs, up to 20lbs - Stella squeaked through at 19lbs) so hopefully she behaves herself. She's staying for 2 nights and I think she'll have a blast.

Stella's stomach issue is fine now. She was a bit off yesterday morning but by the afternoon she was back to normal. She will likely have the same reaction when we give the next dose in 10 days but this time we'll be prepared. We'll give her the dose in the morning so hopefully it's run its course by bedtime. And we'll know to line everything with plastic. And not let her snuggle in our bed.

We are not paying the $500 bullshit fee for the Onsite Music Technician. The event coordinator emailed me back saying that it's a "standard charge" that they charge all customers. I wrote a pretty horrific email (the terms "unprofessional nitwit" and "big fat liar" were used liberally) but didn't send it. Turtle wrote something a little more mature - think controlled fury as opposed to crazy bridezilla - and I sent that instead. Oh and I copied the email to her manager. Long story short, we're not paying the fee. She's being pretty patronizing about it but I don't care. She can be as patronizing as she wants - we got what we wanted, which was to not pay the $500, and if she wants to say that they're "covering the charge" for us instead of admitting that it was a bullshit charge in the first place, that's fine by me.

I didn't manage ten hours of sleep last night but I did get almost seven. I feel almost human today. Of course it's only 9am so that could change.


  1. Way to not let that lady rip you off. Why do people have to be so sneaky?

    Yay for nice weather and Stella having a weekend watcher!

    Happy last few days as a non-married chica! :)

  2. Hurray for everything getting sorted out! That must be such a relief :)

  3. ten hours of sleep? i wish. that's my kind of sleep, haha.

    and yay for getting everything worked out!

  4. You had me at the title...

  5. yay for things working out! and HOLY COW it's close now... whee!!! :-)

  6. I cannot believe you are *this* level headed when you are mere days away from your wedding. Remind me to read these posts in a few months when it's my turn, k? Have a really fabulous weekend, ma dear!!!

  7. WOOO!! WOOO!!!! It's Friday! You made it through the week ... well, almost. I hope you have a great weekend and a beautiful wedding. Any wedding I don't have to attend is beautiful.

  8. What a relief! I hope Stella makes some new friends :) If she doesn't like them, she can always Ninja-Sock them with her cone-head.

    And that $500 fee is ridiculous!!!!! Glad you won't be paying it.

  9. I swear that the wedding industry is more crooked then gambling. I have seen the most appalling practices. Way to give them the properly worded metaphorical finger.

  10. Sounds like a great time was had by all - I'm so glad it all went well - You looked beautiful!!

  11. Ooooops commented on the wrong post!
