Monday, 30 November 2009

Dye Your Hair Suicide Blonde

I'm very unsure about my hair. I don't know what looks good or what doesn't look good; the only thing I'm sure of is that I do not love my natural hair colour and have never loved my natural hair colour. Over the years, this dislike has made me susceptible to wily hair stylists.
Admittedly, I am usually quite pleased with the results after I've agreed to highlights or lowlights or deep-conditioning or whatever it is the stylist is pushing. After the initial buzz wears off though (usually about the time I've washed away the blow-out and have been unable to recreate the salon results,) I'm left feeling sick at the amount of money I've spent. Yes, I loved my hair. But did I love my hair that much? Two hundred dollars' worth? Even one hundred dollars' worth?

I have a hair appointment on Thursday (I'm debating a Kyla Roma fringe ... stay tuned) and in an effort to prevent spending my grocery money on my hair, yesterday I coloured my hair at home. I spent $8 on a box of non-permanent hair dye and went nuts. One ruined tank top later (note to self: a wee tea towel is not large enough to protect your clothes from hair dye, especially when you are a clumsy oaf) I'm quite pleased with myself. My hair doesn't look as good as it does after a day at the salon and the colour is a bit darker than I hoped it would be, but I kind of don't care.



(Wow. I just realized that in my before photo I'm not wearing a lick of makeup. This is why I should wear mascara and blush every day.)


  1. I like it! I mostly stay away from box dye after screwing up my hair one too many times. I generally just suck it up and pay the $200. Although right now it's au natural and I'm dealing with my lovely mousy brown.

  2. Looks good!!

    I don't like my natural hair colour either (especially more so of late now little greys are coming through!!) and I can never justify spending that amount of money on my hair either, so I usually resort to trimming my own fringe (or doing a Kyla once every 3 months) and covering myself in an $8 box of black dye every 6 weeks. I found black's the lowest maintenance colour I've tried - cheap, maybe messy, but no worries about the ends looking darker than the roots :)

    Yours looks lovely! (And I wish I could look that good without makeup!)

  3. I love it! Don't worry about thinking it's too dark (from what I can tell in the pictures, it doesn't look too dark at all). It will slowly get a bit lighter with each wash.

    I color my hair as well with the $9 box I get from the store because I have lovely white hairs that like to pop up and yell "I'M HERE!"

    But I love your hair! Wonderfully done!

  4. Is it bad that I like the before picture better than the after?

  5. I love the color. Looks great. Hair color isn't permanant... it can always be changed. So take a chance!

    I love Kyla's hair! I could never pull it off but I LOVE it.

  6. I like the new color - it's very pretty and wintery! I think the Kyla cut is cute and would look good on you. Good luck at the salon!

  7. Pretty! You should totally have fun with your hair. You have a beautiful face and you can pull off just about whatever you want.

    I understand. I've had my hair many colors. My worst was brown - out of a box. Or maybe the red I got when I tried to temporarily dye it black and then it didn't wash out. My favorite was platinum blonde, which I'd love to do again but am not bold enough at this age. So now I go with conservative blonde highlights and pay a shitload of money ever second month.

  8. It looks great! So, would you recommend the home-dye? I am always kind of intimidated by the messiness. And my fear that I will somehow screw up and chemically singe all my hair off.

  9. Did I ever tell you about the time I dyed my hair red the night before our first ever family portrait?

    My parents were VERY angry. And as for me? I didn't really care for the color... but for $8, it was a bargain.

    You look nice.

  10. Ohh! I love it! I think that's a great color for you!

    I've never tried to dye my hair at home myself - I always make my friend do it because she's the total pro of home dye.

    I am once again tempted to go dark with my hair - I feel an appointment coming on. (Fortunately, Sean's stepmom is a hairstylist and is my hookup... she rocks, too!)

  11. I love your results! I need to dye my hair before I come to visit you actually.

    And if you get bangs, I need to start a bang tour. I'll go to random cites, leaving a wake of bangs behind me lol

  12. i LOVE the new color... i don't think it's too dark at all! it suits you very well.

    i was an at home dye-r for years, until i too fell victim to the infamous Bad Dye Job. orange hair. ORANGE. with hints of indigo in certain lights. it was seriously horrific.

  13. umm, you look great in the after picture but I don't see much difference in color.

  14. I really like the new color. It's shiny and pretty and goes well with your skin/eyes.

    My hair doesn't take dye for shit, and I'm not willing to bleach it, so I'm pretty much stuck with what I have.

  15. oh i like it, your hair always looks cute i think.

  16. I love the new color! I never have had luck with boxed dyes but yours turned out great!

  17. I like it! I totally think you should go chestnut-ier though :D

  18. I'm loving the new color! It's very becoming to your skin color!

  19. Loving the new color and REALLY loving how shiny your hair is. Seriously. It's practically reflective! :)
