Monday, 9 January 2012

Hop On The Bus Gus

He wakes up cheerful and smiley every morning. He spends a lot of time cheerful and smiley, until he is pissed off. Then he is the ragiest, pissed of baby I have ever met.

He weighs 19lbs and he is not yet six months old. He has the most delicious thigh rolls and butt dimples. He has my eyes and his daddy's ears.

He giggles when he farts. He says mamamamama and bababababa and loves to hear himself shriek. He loves to hear laughter. He's my little ham.

He spends about 30% of his waking hours with Sophie clamped between his gums. He has two little teeth and occasionally he bites himself while sucking his thumb. He cries big, sad tears when this happens because it confuses him.

He won't drink from a bottle and he still won't take a soother but that's okay. He's still the smartest baby I know. He's my little Gus Gus. And I love him.


  1. That is an adorable picture!

  2. Could he be any cuter? (He couldn't. He's as cute as they come. He wins all cute.)

  3. He's so cute. I show photos of him to Mr. Darcy all the time saying, "LOOK HOW CUTE!"

  4. Every time you post pictures of your little man, my heart skips a beat. He's aaaaaaaaaaahdorable

  5. ZOMG SO CUTE. NOMNOM those cheeks!!

  6. You're killing me, smalls!

  7. I think you forgot to mention that HE IS BEAUTIFUL. Or, maybe that goes without saying? =)

  8. he is seriously unreasonably cute. i showed my mom pics of him when i was home for xmas (is that weird? i apologize) and she was like "you know, normally i feel like you girls were the cutest babies in the world, but i'm sorry, neither of you came CLOSE to this baby."
