Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Two Now That I'm With You Another Point Of View

Grady turned two months old on Monday.

He started off as an 8lb 6.5oz chicken-legged skinny baby.

Then he started to fill out. His teeny tiny belly started to get rounder. 

And now he's got two chins and the most delicious chubby thighs .

And the most beautiful smile that makes the sleepless nights seem easier.

He's a tyrant. But he's my tyrant. My smiley thunder-thighed tyrant. I couldn't love him more.


  1. Cutie! Cutie! Cutie! Cutie! Baby thighs are the BEST!

  2. LOOK AT THAT LUMP OF ADORABLE BABY TYRANT OMG. he makes me all-capsy. in a very good way.

  3. It is absolutely amazing how much these babies change in the first few months. Tyrant or not, you've got one heck of a cute kid!

  4. So chunky. SO CUTE. I wouldn't be able to handle myself around that double chin and chubby thighs. Sigh.

  5. He is so cute. I love baby thighs!

  6. aw he is so dang cute. love the chub so much.

  7. It's crazy how much they change in two months. He's adorable!
