Monday, 21 March 2011

Flush My Worries Down The Drain And Fly Away To Somewhere New

Let's say that you're trying to sell your condo so you have an open house. Your Realtor is busy with another listing so she sends a "professional and completely capable" colleague in her place.

Let's say that you arrive home at the appointed time to collect your keys. You make small talk while your Realtor's "professional and completely capable" colleague collects her things and puts on her shoes.

You prepare to say goodbye when the "professional and completely capable" colleague says, "Oh wait! I don't remember if I flushed the toilet or not" and walks out of the room. You then hear the toilet flush.

What would you do?

Would you tell your Realtor exactly what happened? Would you request that your Realtor never again send this particular colleague as a stand-in without explaining why? Would you do nothing?

Here's the thing: when we arrived home, she was sitting on the couch, reading. We didn't interrupt her while she was in the bathroom.

It's weird, right?


  1. I'd definitely mention something to the realtor. I don't know how I'd word it, but I absolutely would say something. That's disgusting, and not at ALL professional. I'm just thinking - if she forgot to flush, she probably forgot to wash her hands too. EW. Maybe start out by asking for someone different the next time, and if pressed for details, answer honestly. That woman needs to know that what she did is absolutely unacceptable behaviour. It's tough to know what the right thing to do is, but that can't ever happen again. Yuck. Now I'm all skeeved out on your behalf.

  2. Hmm, I'm torn. First off, she should have just said "If you don't mind, I'll use the restroom before I go" and all would have been fine. But she didn't. Maybe she lives in an "if it's yellow let it mellow" household. In which case, she just forgot on accident. If it was #2, now that's a different story! I'm not sure I would worry about it, but pee isn't a big deal to me. Hopefully the lid was down and no one would have seen it anyway.

  3. I would send your realtor a link to this blog post.

  4. Ummmm . . . what if someone had come to look at the place before she had remembered to flush? Thats really uncomfortable. I would definitely say something.
    Also, she should have kept it to herself, and hoped you would have blamed someone else.

  5. That's actually kind of hilarious. And wrong. But mostly really funny :)

  6. Ew.

    I would mention something I think, but then I don't know anything about realtors or condos. I rent a shitty apartment in the 'burbs.

  7. She could have played it off better. I mean, what about her just saying "Oh!I am going to use your restroom before I head out." then running in there to flush. She was so OBVIOUS about it.

  8. Ew. That's weird and embarrassing...for everyone.

    I don't know if I would say anything...because what do you say?! I would be mortified to bring it up. If your realtor wanted to send her again, I would definitely ask for someone else though...

  9. !?!!??! i'd probably say something. i mean, how many people walked through the open house while her unflushed business was sitting there?!?

  10. lol So, so very gross! That's just really weird. I guess how you handle it depends on what you're upset about- just that it was weird (super valid) or if you're not confident in how she was representing you? Weird lol I might just say that you don't think she represented you well, and if they ask why send them this link *shakes head*

  11. I agree with Kyla's comment. That is weird. Totally unprofessional-weird.

  12. It's definitely odd.

    But I was thinking...the fact that she announced it to you maybe means that she didn't use your bathroom? Because I've definitely used people's bathrooms when I've gone to open houses (I was pregnant and seriously, probably peed in every single house we went to) maybe in case people viewing your place used it, she just flushes at the end of ever open house as a matter of course?

  13. super bizarro. i concur with Kyla about how to handle it too.
    why are realtors so messed up? ours keeps sending us listings that are in communities which only allow residents who are 55 or older... yet she knows we're a young couple. WTF?!?!

  14. That's so very, very weird.

    I'm annoyed with realtors right now. The house we're currently living in is for sale and the realtor selling it is driving me CRAZY. I'm leaving it messy on purpose.

  15. It's not weird, it's GROSS!

    Gross and WRONG.

    I would definitely request that person not ever be in my condo again,jeebus.

  16. I don't even know how I'd respond to that. Beyond blogging it, of course.

  17. I can commiserate with the "professional and completely capable" colleague because we have a toilet that doesn't like to flush right on the first try. It's not uncommon for Kyle and I to be going about our business and one of us to suddenly go in to the bathroom and flush the toilet. Granted, she definitely could have handled it more delicately. But at least you didn't go into the bathroom after she left and find her floater!

  18. Um, that's SOOO weird! I have no idea what to do - I would say tell the realtor, but how? Because that's so fucking bizarre! I hope there's a follow up post to this one, maybe explaining her behavior? Geeze.
